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Play and Creative Arts Therapy for Children and Young People

Play therapy empowers children and promotes personal growth and self-expression.


“Play is the child’s natural medium of self-expression” Virginia Axline


Emily Cleaton

I'm a fully Accredited Play Therapist with over 10 years of experience based in St Albans in Hertfordshire.  I am a Licensed Parent-Child Attachment Play practitioner, a Registered SandStory Therapist, a member of the Theraplay Practicum  and a TLSWi Certified Practitioner.

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Children often find it difficult to talk about how they feel or how experiences have affected them. Play therapy offers children the opportunity to explore their feelings and what is going on in their lives through the medium of play. Play is the natural means by which children express and learn about themselves and the world around them.

Therapeutic Life Story Work (TLSW) usually takes place with adopted, fostered or Special Guardianship children and their primary carer. It gives children the chance to explore their early experiences and family alongside their carer helping them develop more understanding of why the young person behaves and feel as they do.

Parent Child Attachment Play (PCAP) is an intervention, not therapy. PCAP techniques empower parents/carers as agents of change within the family & strengthen attachment relationships between children & parents/carers. The strategies are supportive, positive, play-based & allow parents to learn basic attachment principles which they can use with their children at home.

Theraplay is a child and family therapy which was developed to support healthy child/caregiver attachment. It has been practised around the world for over 50 years and is recognised by the Association of Play Therapy as a seminal psychotherapy for children.  

SandStory Therapy® is a gentle and safe way of working therapeutically with sand and symbols within a contained sandtray that offers clients the opportunity to tell their 'story in the sand'.

It encourages a respectful and sensitive dialogue between the unconscious and the conscious so that the wisdom from within is heard, seen and experienced. In turn, this is taken into daily life and natural, very organic shifts occur.

Contact Me

Please contact me using the contact form below or by email  at or by phone on 07517 974588 for any more information or to discuss possible referrals.


Prices vary depending on requirements and location.

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